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New @ Studio Manu
*Vintage Farm*
Page Kit* - 20% off
Clusters - 20% off
Page Borders - 14% off
Bundle - 44% off
Exclusive Newsletter Freebie
Blog Freebie
20% off for a limited time / 20% reduziert für eine begrenzte Zeit
It has many awesome and unique elements inside, a complete alpha set and 10 beautiful papers.
In fact there are more papers because most of them come in different versions so in total are 26 papers inside. |
Drin enthalten sind viele tolle Elemente, ein komplettes Alpha und 10 schöne Papers. Die meisten der Hintergründe kommen in verschiedenen Versionen somit sind insgesamt 26 Papers enthalten |
A set of 6 Clustered Elements made with the *Vintage Farm* Page Kit, ready to use.
Shadows already added.
There are 2 Frame Clusters, 2 Border Clusters and 2 Clustered Elements included.
Just add photo(s), paper(s) and journaling and you are done.
Makes scrapbooking so fast and easy.
Created at 300 dpi and saved in .png file format
6 schöne Clusters beinhaltet dieses Set! Fix und fertig, mit Schatten - Du brauchst nur Dein(e) Foto(s) zu hinterlegen, einen Hintergrund und Journaling und fertig ist ein wunderschönes Layout. 2 Borders, 2 Frames und 2 Clustered Elements |
This is an awesome set of 4 page borders.
Each porder is splitted into their separate parts too so the possiblities of usage and combinations are endless.
Also you get each part (complete and splitted) in a shadowed as well as in a non shadowed version.
Hier ist ein tolles set mit 4 Page Borders. |
Everything above together are also available as bundle for even more savings - 44% off |
Alles oben genannte zusammen gibt es auch als Sparpaket im Bündel - 44% reduziert |
Look what awesome pages my CT created:
Even more savings???
I always have different products on sale several times a week
with at least 50% off.
Be sure to check it often and get products for just a buck or two ;)
Market price: $5.50
Our price: $2.50
save 55%
Remember The Time - Frame Clusters
Market price: $4.50
Our price: $2.50
save 56%
Secrets Of The Past - Page Kit
Market price: $6.00
Our price: $3.00
save 50%
Vintage Farm - Add-On
Blog Freebie
Hurry over to my blog